hmm.. thx for the great comments and help regarding my dabian esp xhh.. think is like wad yongjia said, it's sick bah.. hmm.. gonna bring it to vet soon but v weird leh.. ppl bring dog bring hamster to vet, nv see ppl bring tortise to vet de lor-.- nvm.. shall ask yongjia more abt it.. but bringing it to vet also quite lame la.. ltr the consultation fees enuf for me to buy 3 or 4 more turtles le lor=x
anw.. today was so dam slpy n hot lor.. hav been slping for phy lecture, GSC lesson, GP lesson and econs lesson.. practically, i slpt at all lessons today except maths cos tt ah song wun 放过我 if i slp de lor.. somemore also gg thru some summation of a series de qns.. haha.. but phy lecture was a miracle man.. miss tan, who was the lecturer n my civics tutor, hated students the most when they slp at her lessons and yet, during her time to give a lecture, her phy rep is playing chess happily with ah gong zhou.. hehe..
as for y i slp durng GP lessons, think everyone in s12 will noe de lor.. cos we all hav the same feeling.. luv luv guanlin was like stoning away n lionel was hiding aside living in his lala world=p aiya.. i wonder who will listen to his lessons de lor. i mean, its so bloody shitty boring.. somemore every GP lessons are 3 periods.. which means a 1 1/2hr of hell.. n 1 more thing, his voice is like so monotonous tt he can break the world record lor.. i think he shld nt be a teacher.. instead, he shld be a hypnotiser who jus phycho ppl to slp..
GSC lessons didn't slp so much cos of the slight shittiness n crappiness of ah soh.. everytime her lessons jus tok cock wan lor.. i can still rmb, last time she even boasted tt she had a phone conversation with TT Durai n scolded him lor.. wtf sia=.= anw.. its better than a stern n boring lesson which CTT used to 'offer' us with.. went thru GSC paper n found out tt i didn't do as bad as i expected.. jus tt CTT hated me to the core n marked me down on compo.. nvm.. CT jus doesn't matter.. jus hav to look ahead towards mid-yr..
SPA coming next wk n suddenly felt tt SPA is jus giving us CA over other nerds from HCI n RJ.. cos its the onli possibility we can achieve a same high score as them cos it will be marked by the sch n tips will be provided.. jus afraid tt i've gt nt enuff time to complete the paper.. last time when it was skill C/D 1st round, i onli managed to finished it at the 11th hr.. so its kinda rush la..
nvm.. try my best too..
hmm.. tml will be a slack day.. jus phy, GP n free periods.. free periods cos of assembly.. assembly=pon, so pon=free period.. hehe.. somemore tml's GP will be gg to com lab to do some research over UN.. so nt tt sian cos can sure free net although our sch gt powderful firewall la.. haha..
till den..
WORD OF THE DAY: festivity
any joyous diversion; celebration; jollification.