haiz.. after today's judgement day, i probably hav found a time slot for the 1on1 session with the principal.. this is the verdict for my CT..
() stands for my target n can see tt my performance is billions of miles away from it.. traumatised by it.. barely standing in the class now and almost losing to the 'ppl' in my class.. hw am i suppose to fight against the rest of the ppl in PJ and also the rest of the jcs like HCI-.- really gonna be serious abt my studies and cant divert my attention on anything else..
hmm.. this few days i hav reflected on my attitude towards studies n i found out tt i m a 101% slacker.. my sis was saying to me last nite:'hw can u go for an exam when u jus studied for 2 questions on econs??!' aft some deep tots, i think she's right.. i shld nt be adopting the mindcept of giving up econs 1st jus for the other subjects like phy and maths which i didn't do well-.- i seriously think tt the time i embark on for studying is minimal.. 1 wk before the CT is definitely insufficient.. so for now.. i shall forget abt my CT and start studying for the coming mid-yr exams.. so to all out there: anybody who wishes to study can jio me out anytime.. i wan to mug and i hav to mug so as nt to disappoint those who cared and my teacher.. also, i wanna prove miss tan's prophecy wrong!!
so now.. this shall be my target for mid-yr if i m able to stay in PJ..
this may seems like a joke to some ppl who may look down on me but this shall be my target.. as raynerism says: a man w/o a target is a aimless man.. so, i shall nt be an aimless man..
well, enuff of the stupid CT.. time for some updates today..
phy lecture was quite boring today.. didn't noe why but i jus wanna slp... maybe is because i slpt at 3am ytd.. lucky the chapter of EMI is sth i m quite ok with cos its on electricity.. hmm.. able to uds by some self reading in between the intervals of my nap=p(ps*hope miss tan does nt see this if nt she sure humtum me) orh ya.. today she also gave us a chance to humtum ppl legally.. cos she has to go dunno whr and left her stuff in LT so she ask me to help me look aft it and dun allow anyone to touch it.. somemore she says if anyone touches it, jus whack tt person.. hearing those words, xhh, who was standing beside me has his ears turn ed gim(gold in hokkien).. den we were like crapping if mrs tan were to go there, we jus whack la.. or say tt miss tan has an evil plan of jie dao sha ren(borrow sword kill ppl) and purposely ask someone to go take sth from there den make us humtum tt guy.. hehe.. too bad.. nobody touches tt thing leh.. so sad for me and xhh..=.=
for econs, nht much.. jus comparing hw lousy we did for p2.. gt 9/25 for qn1 and surprisingly gt 7/25 for qn2.. surprised cos i dun even noe a single shit abt tt topic n yet i can claim some marks from there.. but quite sad for qn1 case.. study comparisonly quite a lot but onli could get 9 marks.. haiz.. nvm.. shall buck up on it..
for recess, it was a bloodylyly long queue cos the whole j2 h2 econs cohort gt break tgt and think quite a few j1 classes.. even the vegetarian store and drinks stall has long queues.. onli went to buy at last 5min and gobble down my food in 3min? didn't even noe wad i was eating... jus noe gt chicken gt rice gt vege.. lol..
maths was a instanding period.. nv do my chap 3r de homework so miss song punish me n made me stand inside the class at a side.. hmm.. den when i started to try do although ytd i was slping at the lecture, i could do it w/o listening to the lecture.. woo.. think cos its jus common sense.. haha.. actually i shld hav done tt lor.. jus a bit forget n a bit lazy.. den miss song told me sth which made me quite high in morale.. hmm.. cannot say here cos ppl will think i v zhuai.. haha.. wanna noe come ask me..
econs.. interesting as usual.. alw with a lot of stories to hear.. today she was talking abt the currency depreciation in malaysia and talk abt the subsidies of the malaysian govt on keeping prices of domestic gds cheap.. den she was also talking bad abt malaysia, say wad jb city robberies v common.. wanna see can go there see or sth lidat.. forget le but our whole class was jus laughing abt tt.. quite true also la.. haha.. den she was also saying abt her russia trip 16 yrs back.. ppl offered her to exchange her normal watch for cups of caviar.. omg.. totally tan tio lor.. haha.. hmm.. like her lessons a lot cos of this also la.. a lot of stories n she is gd in teaching econs.. great teacher..
gsc was dumb today.. ah soh was back to teach us den make us to CT compre again.. she ask us to do qn1 n 5.. den luv luv guanlin was like asking her.. su lao shi, ni shi bu shi bu jian wo men de zi?? so funny lor.. hmm.. de gt back gsc paper also lor.. gt 24.5/50 for compre w/o checking for marking errors.. nt bad le bah.. for compo.. i li ti.. haiz.. gt 13/50!! fucking shit.. n i think is CTT mark de lor.. from the marking i can see.. ah soh will nv ask us to write question on top of the essay.. den she shun bian mark me down on my language.. very shun bian of her-.- nvm.. i will nv be marked by her in the A's..
for gp, was reading lesson.. den mr lim ask us to do on the iran president.. moriahmand wad de la.. dunno la.. weird name.. like wan mo my ah ma lidat...=p
pe was last of the day.. was slacking and pei yl go jump the stupid rubber band.. she jump la i see nia.. so noob jumping there.. haha.. den i went to try the highest wan with long pants.. take one step den jump can jump past but jus jump cannot jump pass.. omg.. but ok la.. tt thing was abt my waist mah.. with bball pants think will be quite laclac le.. haha..
o ya.. went back to kranji for frenlies with juniors.. in the end.. it turned out to be a 'sharing session with juniors cos we can onli chat n cant play.. it was raining like shit.. sian.. wanted to hav fun de lor.. but nvm.. went lot 1 with xuanlong.. o ya.. xl now weird weird de.. he is using a superman pencil case!! omg.. u noe those metal type de.. den at popular.. he wanted to buy the superman eraser n i gave him a superman ruler.. haha.. he quite happy with my present.. den we went to kiddy palace to snoop for a superman water bottle!! haha.. could nt find 1.. could nt find superman tower too.. haha.. xl even wanted to buy a superman bag lor.. den i was like telling him.. u use tt bag ltr u lao po also dunwan to walk beside u ar.. hehe..
hmm.. tts abt all.. o ya.. to improve on english and language, i decided to add a new word at the end of every post as it may benefit everyone.. haha..
1. | the point on the celestial sphere vertically above a given position or observer. Compare nadir. |
2. | a highest point or state; culmination. |
—Synonyms 2. apex, summit.